RenaSpace | Tree Textures

Tree Textures

Trees and their forms have been a favorite theme of mine throughout, both because of their patience as subjects and their grace, majesty,form, beauty and the interesting movement they suggest even in their stillness.

This series is all about all of those things and more.

Many of my pieces evoke or are evoked by the organic qualities of trees, from leaves, to branches to root systems, whether it is the color combinations, when trying to express the colors in black ink only through textures, or by using colors in chalks or paints.

Fallen Leaves
Dancing in the Trees
Olive Tree/Burning Bush
Autumn Leaves
Dogwood in the Fall
Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves, Sepia
Womb with a View, Oil
Womb with a View, Watercolor
Rice Paper Collage
Old Woman Tree
Ivy Tree
Weeping Juniper
Fire Tree
Womb with a View 3D

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