I'm Still Standing / בית נאמן

Tissue and brown craft paper
Studio show, HaCubia, 2016

Sculpting with torn paper evokes for me the duality of destruction and rebuilding, as feeling torn is a recurring theme representing a central paradox of my personal life as a mother/grandmother, partner, sibling and daughter as well as my professional life as an artist, scientist, educator, feminist and practicing Jew. With every decision weighing at least two conflicting needs and the final outcome always leaving someone wanting, and myself feeling torn.

This is particularly the case in I'm Still Standing / בית נאמן, my depiction of the mortar that holds the house together, but is seldom noticed over the bricks. The Hebrew title, literally, house of trust, refers to a line used to wish success to newly married couples, but also plays on the Talmudic term for wife, בית or house.

Read more about this piece here.

I'm Still Standing / בית נאמן

Tissue and brown craft paper
Studio show, HaCubia, 2016

Sculpting with torn paper evokes for me the duality of destruction and rebuilding, as feeling torn is a recurring theme representing a central paradox of my personal life as a mother/grandmother, partner, sibling and daughter as well as my professional life as an artist, scientist, educator, feminist and practicing Jew. With every decision weighing at least two conflicting needs and the final outcome always leaving someone wanting, and myself feeling torn.

This is particularly the case in I'm Still Standing / בית נאמן, my depiction of the mortar that holds the house together, but is seldom noticed over the bricks. The Hebrew title, literally, house of trust, refers to a line used to wish success to newly married couples, but also plays on the Talmudic term for wife, בית or house.

Read more about this piece here.